Retension Instructions: How to repair a loose banner

Your banner may lose tension after repeated use, jostling or misuse. Fortunately, it's an easy problem to fix. With one tool and a few simple tweaks, your banner will be flat, smooth and good as new!

  • Phillips screwdriver

Remove the banner from the base:

(Note: The banner is attached by a “leader” or small, permanently attached strip on the base.)

  • Place your banner on a flat, stable surface.
  • Remove each of the screws that hold the end caps in place.
  • While keeping the inner rod through the end cap, turn the end cap clockwise 20 to 25 times to increase the banner’s tension.
  • When satisfied with the tension on your banner, secure the end caps back in place with the screws.

Note: If you over-tighten your banner, you will not be able to extend it upward and will need to redo the retention process.

Product Specific Instructions:


The retension method for the ULTRA banner stands is slightly different. Watch the video below to tighten the banner tension on your ULTRA TBS31WU, TBS33WU and TBS36WU banner stand.


The process to increase banner tension on your Easy Change TBS33PC banner stand is shown below.

Please contact us if you need assistance with the retension of your banner or have any other banner stand issues.