Customized 3ply Dinner Napkin-Foil-Diagonal Imprint

Product ID: CTN148

• Over 25 product colors and over 25 foil-stamped imprint colors
• Recycled 3-ply paper material
• Protects table surfaces

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Great for parties or workplace events, guests will love these stylish Customized 3ply Dinner Napkins. They come with a foil imprint of your custom design and are made of a 3ply tissue material that's durable enough for a thorough clean. They're an easy and affordable way to add a bit of creativity to your special event!


• Over 25 product colors and 20 popular imprint colors
• Diagonal one-color, foil-stamp imprint
• Disposable, premium 3-ply tissue
• Elegant, coin-edge embossed texture

Free delivery to the contiguous United States, excluding Alaska, Hawaii and all off-shore U.S. territories.

Product Size Icon

Product size:

Folded: 8" x 8" | 1/4 Fold

Imprint Area Icon

Imprint area:


Product Construction Icon


30% Post Consumer Recycled 3-Ply Tissue

Production Times Icon

Production times available:

  • Standard (7 Business Days)
  • 6 Day Production

Limitations apply during peak season. Larger orders may add extra days to production time. Check with customer service for availability.

Production Times Icon

Setup charge:

FREE. Price includes a one-color imprint on one side of the napkin.

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