Noise Cancellation Bluetooth® Headphones-Blank

Product ID: L322B
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Our blank Noise Cancellation Bluetooth® Headphones deliver premium sound for up to 15 hours and have memory foam earpads for comfort! This will allow you to enjoy your long flight, moments on the deck of a cruise ship or day at the office without interruption. The collapsible and flexible design allows them to be carried in the provided woven pouch when not in use. Control your music and calls with a built-in microphone. These headphones are ideal for businesses to distribute to their employees to increase production, enhance study groups and relieve individuals with noise sensitivities. Order them in bulk and save today!


• Durable ABS plastic
• Blocks out 20-23db of sound
• Built-in music controls and microphone
• Pairs with phones
• 20" 3.5mm Aux cable and 5.0 micro USB charging cable included
• 33 foot Bluetooth® range

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Product size:

6-1/2"W x 7-5/16"H

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No imprint available for this item.

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Production times available:

  • Standard (2 Business Days)

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No setup charge available for this item.

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