Alternating Mood Sunglasses-Blank

Product ID: E681B
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The Alternating Mood Sunglasses would be an incredible promo product for ice cream shops! During the hot summer months, customers will enjoy watching them change colors as they enjoy their dessert. Order yours now to have them in time for the first opening day of the year!


• Frames change color when exposed to sunlight
• Protective UV400 lenses
• Sturdy plastic construction
• Dark tinted lenses

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Product size:

5-3/4"W x 2"H

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California Proposition 65 +

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If this order is being shipped to California, each product will have the following label attached:

California Proposition 65 Warning - Cancer and Reproductive Harm

Please refer to Terms and Conditions for more details.

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  • Standard (2 Business Days)

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No setup charge on this item.

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