Customized Jumbo Cotton Canvas Tote

Product ID: CTTB206
  • 12 oz. 100% cotton
  • Save $50 on orders of $500 or more!
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This Jumbo Cotton Canvas Tote is a big giveaway item for parties and events. Fill with different samples and gifts. Customizing couldn't be easier! Choose from our many professionally designed templates or upload your custom design. Personalize your custom tote bag today!

• Natural cotton product color
• Over 20 bold imprint colors
• One-color imprint centered on the front of the bag
• Dependable, 12 oz. cotton canvas
• Sizable 5" gusset with a squared bottom that allows it to stand upright
• Easy-to-carry, self-fabric handles
• Reinforced handles at stress points

Free delivery to the contiguous United States, excluding Alaska, Hawaii and all off-shore U.S. territories.

Product Size Icon

Product size:

20"W x 15"H x 5"D

Imprint Area Icon

Imprint area:

14"W x 8"H

Product Construction Icon


12 oz. Cotton Canvas