Neck Wallets Artwork Tips



  • AI, EPS, PDF, SVG (Vector format)


  • PSD, PNG, JPG (Raster format)
    • These formats sometimes do not work, may take extra time for proofing and/or may incur additional charges.

Not Recommended

  • Word, Excel, Powerpoint, scanned images


  • Design your artwork in our Artwork Template gallery in the Product Details section for each item, or email [email protected] with the item number to request a specific template.
  • Convert your fonts to Outlines in Adobe Illustrator or have them embedded in the image.
  • Minimum font size is 12 pt.
  • Minimum font size for reversed out text (light text on dark background) is 15 pt.
  • Minimum line thickness is 1 pt. (Can be checked in Adobe Illustrator, InDesign or other programs)


  • Small details often do not print well on the polypropylene (non-woven) material due to its texture. For best results with details, you may wish to select neck wallets made of a polyester material.


  • Neck wallets are imprinted via screen printing. The process burns the selected image into a screen that is then positioned on top of each neck wallet as the ink is pushed through. The ink is then transferred onto the neck wallet in the shape of the image.