Silicone Measuring Cups-Blank

Product ID: A652B
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Pallet freight delivery is a cost-effective method of shipping high-volume or bulky products safely by truck with less handling.

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Add-on options


Add our blank Silicone Measuring Cups to your promotional gift baskets. These cups can fit in with many different basket themes that are different from cooking. Order them today to incorporate them into your baskets!


• 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 and 1 cup sizes
• Dishwasher-safe
• Cups collapse for easy storage
• Multicolored inner cups
• Loop for cups to attach to for organization
• FDA-compliant

Product Size Icon

Product size:

4-1/8"W x 7-3/8"H x 2"D

Imprint Area Icon

Imprint area:

No imprint available on this item.

Product Construction Icon



California Proposition 65 +

Please be advised!

If this order is being shipped to California, each product will have the following label attached:

California Proposition 65 Warning - Cancer and Reproductive Harm

Please refer to Terms and Conditions for more details.

Production Times Icon

Production times available:

  • Standard (2 Business Days)

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Setup charge:

No setup charge on this item.

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