Ultra Sound Speaker and Wireless Charger-Engraved

Product ID: Z4042E
  • Laser engraved
  • Save $50 on orders of $500 or more!
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Our Ultra Sound Speaker and Wireless Charger is a two-in-one device that will provide high-quality sound and charge your smartphone simultaneously! It comes in a neutral color with a light wood top that will match any style. Your engraved logo will stand out on the top of the device and provide excellent brand exposure. This wireless charger is ideal for music stores, cellphone kiosks and travel gift shops! Order them in bulk today.


• Engraved imprint
• ABS plastic
• QI-enabled devices wirelessly charge on top of the speaker
• Micro USB input with charging cord included
• 1800 mAh lithium polymer battery with 2 hours of playback time
• 5.1 Bluetooth® technology pairs up to 30 feet away
• LED light illuminates when in use
• 5-watt output

Product Size Icon

Product size:

3-1/4"W x 4"H x 3-1/4"D

Imprint Area Icon

Imprint area:


Product Construction Icon



Production Times Icon

Production times available:

  • Standard (7 Business Days)

Production Times Icon

Setup charge:

$45 fee. Price includes a tone-on-tone engraving on top of speaker.

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